Thursday, May 25, 2017

The San Frisco Treat

                               Down Memory Lane

To take a trip up memory hill via Hudson ave was like a step back into the past(1994) to be exact. In Hunter's Point my Aunt Bridgette's former neighborhood I stopped by Youngbloods Park which has changed little sinse the 90's. I remember uses a piece of a cardboard box to go down the concrete slide with my cousins, and other relatives bringing back some good memories 

 The Youngbloods Park Recreational Center that was closed at the time. Still the same after all these years.

Golden Gate Bridge

Despite not having enough time to take more photos on my to do list I was able to take The Muni Bus #30 to the Golden Gate. Paying little attention to the bustling crowds of people sorrounding the new Welcome Center/Cafe while Taking a brisk walk across this grand bridge I was between a rock and a hard place with the speeding car traffic to the left, and the cold bay waters to the right so I was cautious about my every step. The bright orange/redish towers was amazing viewing them up close and personal. I wanted to walk to the other side of the bridge and take more photos however I was cut for time so I left on a good note to Downtown San Francisco.                        Tips
  • Walking is the best ways to experience the immensity of the Bridge. It is 1.7 miles long and it takes approximately 45–60 minutes to walk across.
  • The sidewalk is open to visitors seven days a week during the hours between sunrise and sunset.
  • The Bridge is open to autos and cyclists 24 hours a day.
  • There are no bike rentals at the Golden Gate Bridge Plaza directly, but you can rent a bike from our friends at Sports Basement and bike the Bridge.