Sunday, December 25, 2016

Tai Lopez Featured Post: Check out this $87,000,000 bathtub (I took a picture)

The other day, while checking out property in New York City, I took a photo of a bathtub inside of the second-tallest residential property in the world.

Check it out...



Can you imagine taking a bath in there?

Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool to see. The location next to the place I was looking sold for $87 million.

Kinda cool, right?

Now—I’m not sharing my lifestyle to show off about materialistic things, like expensive bathtubs in highrise buildings. Rather, my intention today to show you what’s possible when you build the life you want, instead of resigning to the life you’ve been given.

It’s easy to get lost in life and it wasn’t that long ago when I was dead broke and sleeping on a couch. I never went to college and back then I didn’t have more than $47 in my bank account.

Fast-forward to today — I’m checking out properties all around the world.

The other property I looked at in New York had a 15,000-watt entertainment system.

While this is cool and all, what’s more important than the materialistic things, is freedom. Because I have the freedom to do what I want, I’m able to spend more time with my friends and family. Since today’s Christmas, I wanted to share with you how you too can have as much freedom as you desire in your life.

This is a proven principle I used that took me from broke to rich...

It’s called the Law of 33% and you can immediately use it today. Once you start using it, it will benefit you for the rest of your life.

The Law of 33% says you should spend 33% of your time with the following 3 types of people:

-33% with people “below you” — less fortunate, people you can teach, etc.
-33% with people on your level  — similar experience, equal financial status, etc.
-33% with people 20 years ahead of you — people with more life experience, make more money, etc.

All of the above are equally important, but the last 33% — people who are 20 years ahead of you — will give you the biggest results.

For example, earlier this year, I had dinner with a business colleague who is a money-making machine. From just an hour-long conversation, he’d given me food for thought about business and marketing for days, weeks, and even months. That’s how powerful the Law of 33% is; just one conversation could change your life.

Now I realize you might not have access to mentors, but not having access is something I can help you with.

With my online educational programs, like this one that’s closing soon, I’m connecting you to the brightest and most-successful people I know in a series of various industries.

I don’t let everyone access my programs. I periodically open and close them because I only want people to join who are serious about improving their life. By making availability limited, I’m making sure to only attract people who are devoted.

One of the greatest things about the Law of 33% is it isn’t *just* about money...

You can also apply the Law of 33% to:

-Reduce stress
-Improve your network
-Get in better shape
-Live a happier life
-Achieve anything you desire

The Law of 33% is why I hire the best mentors and coaches to help me out. Whenever I want to learn a new skill, I seek out the best of the best to teach me. With this program, you too can have access to guidance and expertise to improve your life forever.

If you’ve one of these people who’ve been asking me for help for getting ahead in 2017, I strongly encourage you to implement the Law of 33% in your life as much as you possibly can.

Before I wrap this up, I wanted to share this quote from Henry Thoreau.

I want you to ponder this before you go back to spending time with your family...

“The mass of men live quiet lives of desperation.”

Most people let their fears get the best of them.

Don’t let this happen to you...

Don’t be someone who resigns in life by sticking to the status quo...

Don’t get discouraged...

Implement the Law of 33% in your life... ASAP, and thank me later.
When you’re ready to change your life (for the better, use this).
Stay Strong (and Merry Christmas),

P.S. Someone recently sent me a video about how he’s now making $6,000 a month with this program.

He was just 19 years old!

With the internet, your age or location. All that matters is your willingness to improve your life.

P.P.S. This Christmas, don’t forget to buy something for yourself... something you can put to use, get you paid, and give you the freedom to spend as much time as you wish with friends and family.

If you’d like my help, this program has everything you need — but you must act fast, because it’ll no longer be available after New Year's Eve.

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