Rw's Weird Dreamscapes
Rw's Weird Dream Scapes 2018
May 16, 2018 6:30 am: I was in this small two story apartment
unit with three other people well sort of more like highly advanced
cyborgs. My crazy dream seemed like I was in a realistic video game
simulation while sitting on a couch a Caucasian male with blond hair
walked past me then briefly sat down next to me then got up and
walked away, or vanished into thin air. In front of me was a large
fish tank with a wooden top on it similar to a tank my family had in
1996 while living in Hayward ca, on the wooden top was a smaller
black colored tank with a few gold fish within it using my
telekinesis ability I started to spin the fish tank around a couple of
times then gave up and left it in it's original place.

A Caucasian
woman dressed in a black two piece bathing suit came into the living
room then did the strangest thing she grabbed the small fish tank that
had a pour spout at the end and started to dump the tank water all
over her body. Looking over to my right the strange white woman and
man was being worked on by a small advanced drone along with a
circular silver implant on her face.
I got up to go to the balcony
when all of this was taking place it seemed like a normal thing to me
sinse I was also a robot/cyborg anyways as I opened the balcony door
looking to my right was an African american man who was also tended
to by another drone an inhuman scream emanated from him due to the
drone inserting something in the silver implant located on the back
of his neck. I was now on the balcony looking down on a barren
looking backyard with charred remains of some furniture when suddenly
I started shutting down then I woke up confused keep in mind
I was listening to some meditation music on youtube which I do most
nights more to come stay tuned.
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